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How to Get an Ijazah in Quran Recitation & Memorization

Ijazah in Quran Recitation & Memorization

How to Get an Ijazah in Quran Recitation & Memorization

Ijazah is a great honor and authority in Islam. It shows that someone has dedicated themselves to the study and mastery of the Quran. It is a way to ensure that the Quran is preserved and passed down through generations. So, if you are interested in learning the Quran, consider seeking Ijazah from a qualified teacher.

What is Ijazah?

Ijazah is a special certificate that gives someone permission and authority to teach and transmit the Quran. It is like a license that shows they have mastered the art of reciting the Quran with proper pronunciation and memorization.

Types of Ijazah

There are two types of Ijazah: Ijazah in Quran Recitation with Tajweed and Ijazah in Quran Memorization (Hifz). Each type grants its holder a specific authority.

Ijazah in Quran Recitation with Tajweed

This type of Ijazah allows someone to teach others how to recite the Quran with proper pronunciation and rules of Tajweed. It shows that they have studied and practiced the correct way to recite the Quran.

Ijazah in Quran Memorization (Hifz)

This type of Ijazah is given to those who have memorized the entire Quran by heart. It shows that they have dedicated a lot of time and effort to memorize the words of the Quran.

Why is Ijazah Important?

Ijazah is important because it ensures that the Quran is being taught and transmitted correctly. It guarantees that the person teaching or reciting the Quran has received proper training and has the authority to do so. It also creates a chain of certified Quran teachers, preserving the knowledge for future generations.

How to Get Ijazah?

To get Ijazah, a student must find a knowledgeable Sheikh or Imam who has the authority to grant Ijazah. The student then spends many years learning from the Sheikh, either reciting the Quran with Tajweed or memorizing it by heart. The Sheikh listens to the student and corrects any mistakes until they are confident in the student’s abilities. Once the student has mastered the Quran, the Sheikh grants them the Ijazah, giving them the authority to teach and transmit the Quran.

The Story of the Ijazah/Sanad System

Since a long time ago, there has been a special certification called “Ijazah” that allows someone to pass on knowledge. This certification is given by a higher religious authority, who is usually a student of the Prophet Muhammad or a famous Muslim scholar. The Ijazah is like a license that gives the holder permission to teach a specific text or subject. It’s a way to make sure that knowledge is passed down correctly from generation to generation. This chain of certified transmitters is called the “Sanad.”

What is a Sanad?

The word “Sanad” means a chain or something that connects one thing to another. In the context of the Ijazah system, it refers to Muslims who are connected to other Muslims through their knowledge. The Sanad is important because it shows that the person who has the Ijazah is part of a long line of scholars who have passed down the same knowledge. Without the Sanad, the Ijazah wouldn’t have much value. When someone is granted an Ijazah, they are called a “Mujeez,” which means they have been given the certification.

Ranking of Sanads

The scholars who created the Ijazah/Sanad system decided to give each Sanad a ranking. This means that some Sanads are considered to be of higher quality than others. The ranking is based on certain characteristics that the scholars have determined. So when someone has an Ijazah and a Sanad, they also have either a high-quality Sanad or a low-quality Sanad. This ranking helps to distinguish between different levels of knowledge and expertise.

Types of Quran Ijazah

There are two main types of Ijazah/Sanad in the Quran:

1. Ijazah in Quran Recitation with Tajweed

This type of Ijazah is given to Quran students who can recite the entire Quran with Tajweed perfectly, without making any mistakes. To receive this certification, the student must recite in front of an Ijazah-certified Sheikh or Quran Teacher. Tajweed is the correct way of pronouncing the words and sounds in the Quran. With this Ijazah, the holder is authorized to teach Quran recitation.

Ijazah in Quran
How to Get an Ijazah in Quran Recitation & Memorization 1

2. Ijazah in Quran Memorization/Hifz

This type of Ijazah is given to Quran students who have memorized the entire Quran and can recite it from memory, without reading from the holy Quran book. Just like with the first type of Ijazah, the student must recite in front of an Ijazah-certified Sheikh or Quran Teacher. This certification allows the holder to teach Quran Memorization, also known as Hifz. To earn this certificate, the learner must memorize the entire Quran and recite it by heart in the presence of the certified tutor.

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The Importance of Ijazah/Sanad

Preserving Quranic Knowledge

Ijazah/Sanad has played a really important role in making sure that the Quran and Islamic knowledge have been passed down correctly throughout history. It has helped to prevent any mistakes or changes from happening.

Why is it so important?

The Quran is considered to be the words of Allah (SWT) and was revealed to the last prophet Muhammad (PBUH). So, making mistakes when reciting it is seen as a sin. If someone who doesn’t know the Quran well tries to pass it on to others, it creates a chain of sinners that goes back to the original person who made the mistake.

That’s why having an Ijazah/Sanad is really important, especially for those who want to teach the Quran to others. It’s not only a great honor and authority, but also a big responsibility.

How can you get an Ijazah?

If there is a Quran Sheikh or Teacher near you who has an Ijazah, you can ask them to teach you how to recite the Quran with Tajweed or how to memorize it. Once you are ready, they will give you an Ijazah certificate.

Getting Ijazah Online at BeIN Quran Academy

If you don’t have a certified Quran Sheikh or Imam near you, or if you prefer online learning, you can get an Ijazah online at BeIN Quran. They have highly-qualified teachers who have Ijazah in Quran Recitation & Memorization. They offer one-to-one online sessions for the Ijazah program.

Before you start the course, they will evaluate your current level in Quran recitation or memorization. Based on this evaluation, they will create a personalized program for you.

During the course, the tutor will teach you the meaning and purpose of “Ijazah”. Then, you will recite a certain portion of the Quran to the tutor, and they will give you guidance on how to improve.

Requirements for Ijazah

  • To get an Ijazah in Quran Recitation with Tajweed, you need to recite the whole Quran correctly from the Mushaf (The Holy Quran Book).
  • To get an Ijazah in Quran Memorization, you need to recite the whole Quran by heart to the tutor.

Once you successfully complete the online Ijazah course, you will receive your Ijazah certificate. This certificate gives you the authority to teach others and issue an Ijazah as well.

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The Ijazah/Sanad system has a long history and is an important part of preserving and passing down knowledge in the Muslim community. It ensures that the Quran is taught and memorized correctly, and that the chain of knowledge remains unbroken. By earning an Ijazah, individuals become part of a lineage of scholars who have dedicated their lives to studying and teaching the Quran.