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How to Learn Noorani Qaida for Beginners? 10 Practical Tips

Learn Noorani Qaida for Beginners

How to Learn Noorani Qaida for Beginners? 10 Practical Tips

Tips to Learn Noorani Qaida for Beginners


If you’re a beginner who wants to learn how to read the Quran from scratch, then you need to start with Noorani Qaida. This little booklet, also known as the mini Quran, teaches you the basic rules of reading the Quran.

Why is Noorani Qaida Important?

Noorani Qaida is like the foundation of Quran reading. It’s really important to learn it if you want to become fluent in Quranic Arabic. Once you’ve mastered Noorani Qaida, you’ll be able to recite the Quran easily by applying the basic rules.

10 Tips to Learn Noorani Qaida for Beginners

1. Get an Online Arab Tutor

To start your learning journey, it’s best to hire a native Arab tutor instead of trying to learn on your own. Here’s why:

  • They have an exceptional Arabic accent.
  • They know how to make Arabic super easy for non-Arabs.
  • They are aware of the common mistakes non-Arabs make.
Learn Noorani Qaida for Beginners
How to Learn Noorani Qaida for Beginners? 10 Practical Tips 1

2. Choose a Credible Tutor

It’s important to hire a tutor from a credible platform because:

  • They have already tested their tutors before hiring them.
  • They have experience in teaching through their platform.
  • They know the best techniques that work for beginners.

3. Practice Regularly

Learning Noorani Qaida requires regular practice. Set aside some time every day to practice what you’ve learned. The more you practice, the better you’ll get.

4. Start with the Basics

Don’t rush through the lessons. Start with the basics and make sure you understand them before moving on to more advanced topics. Building a strong foundation is key.

5. Use Visual Aids

Visual aids like charts and diagrams can be really helpful in understanding the different Arabic letters and their pronunciation. Use them to enhance your learning experience.

6. Listen to Recitations

Listening to recitations of the Quran can help you improve your pronunciation and fluency. Pay attention to how the words are pronounced and try to imitate them.

7. Practice with a Partner

Find a study partner who is also learning Noorani Qaida. Practice together and help each other out. This can make the learning process more enjoyable and effective.

8. Take Breaks

Don’t forget to take breaks during your study sessions. Taking short breaks can help you stay focused and retain information better.

9. Stay Motivated

Learning Noorani Qaida can be challenging at times, but don’t give up. Stay motivated and remind yourself of the progress you’ve made. Celebrate small achievements along the way.

10. Seek Guidance

If you’re facing difficulties or have any questions, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your tutor or other knowledgeable individuals. They can provide valuable insights and help you overcome obstacles.

Remember, learning Noorani Qaida is a journey, so be patient with yourself and enjoy the process. With dedication and practice, you’ll soon become fluent in Quranic Arabic.

Tips for Learning Noorani Qaida

1. Choose a One-On-One Class

If you’re new to Noorani Qaida Learning, it’s best to choose a one-on-one class with a tutor.

Here’s why it’s beneficial:

  • You’ll have a class that focuses solely on you and your learning.
  • You can spend more time practicing and getting instant corrections from your tutor.
  • The class is more focused on learning rather than interacting with peers.

For the best one-on-one online Noorani Qaida classes, we recommend BeIN Quran Academy. They are experts in personalized learning and will provide you with a great learning experience.

2. Have a Personalized Learning Plan

Having a personalized learning plan is important to master the basics of Arabic reading. Here’s what a personalized plan includes:

  • Classes are based on the topics you want to learn.
  • Focus on the rules you want to perfect.
  • The syllabus is managed according to your requirements.
  • Practice the rules that you need to improve on.

BeIN Quran offers customized and structured learning plans for Noorani Qaida classes for kids. These plans are designed to meet all your needs, especially if you’re a beginner.

3. Focus on Makharij

Arabic letters require correct articulation points called makharij. Non-Arabs often mix up similar letters like heavy Haa (ه) and light Haa (ح) from the throat. To distinguish between these letters, focus on their makharij.

By mastering your pronunciation, you’ll:

  • Be able to read words in the Quran accurately like native Arabs.
  • Easily apply the basic rules of reading the Quran.
  • Be on your way to starting Tajweed classes.

Pay extra attention to the pronunciation of each letter to make your learning journey much easier.

4. Read Examples From the Quran

Once you have a good grasp of the common rules learned in Noorani Qaida, start finding examples from the Quran and read them. This will help you perfect your qira’a (recitation).

For example, if you just learned the rule of madd, find examples from the first Surah, Al-Fatiha, and apply the madd rule where it’s needed. Practice this in your Salah (prayer) every time, and you’ll quickly see improvements in your recitation.

Remember, practice makes perfect!

 Tips for Learning Noorani Qaida
How to Learn Noorani Qaida for Beginners? 10 Practical Tips 2

5- Practice Reading Short Verses and Surahs

One of the best ways to practice what you’ve learned about the Quran is by reading short verses and Surahs. If you have a favorite recitation, you can listen to the audio while reading along. This will help you correct any mistakes in your pronunciation. At BeIN Quran Academy, our tutors use this tip in their Quran reading classes and make it fun with engaging activities.

6- Practice in a Loud and Clear Voice

Another tip for beginners is to practice reading in a loud and clear voice. Some letters may be difficult to pronounce, especially for non-Arabs. By reading out loud, you can improve your articulation and hit the right pronunciation. Try practicing these challenging letters by combining them in words or finding similar words in the Quran.

Tip: If you want to learn how to recite the Quran for beginners, make sure to follow your tutor’s instructions.

7- Learn By Dividing Qaida into Levels

To make Learning Noorani Qaida easier, beginners should divide their lessons into levels. This way, you can start with the basic lessons and gradually move on to more difficult ones. Most platforms offer three levels: basic, medium, and advanced. Following this strategy will make learning the Qaida less overwhelming.

8- Revise and Implement What You Have Learned

Once you’ve read the initial pages of the Qaida, start implementing what you’ve learned in your Quran reading. This will help you improve your recitation skills quickly. For example, practice applying Noon and Meem sakinah whenever you come across them. Hidayah Network uses advanced technology to make sure each lesson is practical and effective for beginners learning the Quran online.

9- Teach all the Basic Lessons to Others

They say that when you teach something to someone else, your own knowledge grows. So, share what you learn with your siblings, parents, spouse, or anyone else. Teaching others from the beginning will not only increase your practice time but also help them perfect their pronunciation. The reward you’ll receive for spreading knowledge is immeasurable.


Learning the Quran is not limited by age. Whenever you decide to start, commit to learning the foundation lessons from Learning Noorani Qaida. To save time searching for the best platform, we recommend BeIN Quran Academy. They provide a comprehensive and efficient way for beginners to learn the Quran online.

How to start Noorani Qaida?

Congratulations on starting your Noorani Qaida journey! It’s a wonderful way to lay the foundation for Quranic reading and recitation. Here are some steps to get you started:

Gather your resources:

  • Noorani Qaida book: Choose a beginner-friendly edition, preferably with large, clear letters and colorful illustrations.
  • Audio recordings: Find recitations of the Noorani Qaida by qualified teachers to follow along and practice pronunciation.
  • **Optional:**Flashcards, writing materials, and a whiteboard can be helpful for visual learners and reinforcing memorization.

Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the Arabic alphabet:

  • Start with the harakat (vowel markings) – Fatha, Kasra, Damma – and their sounds. Practice drawing and pronouncing them.
  • Learn the Arabic letters one by one, their names, and their different pronunciations depending on the harakat.
  • Use flashcards, tracing exercises, or apps to memorize the letters and their sounds.

Step 2: Practice basic letter combinations:

  • Once you know the harakat and letters, move on to joining them to form simple words.
  • Practice pronouncing these words correctly, paying attention to the harakat placement and letter combinations.
  • Use the audio recordings as a guide and repeat after the teacher to refine your pronunciation.

Step 3: Learn basic tajweed rules:

  • Noorani Qaida introduces essential tajweed rules gradually, like Noon Sakinah and Madd.
  • Understand each rule’s purpose and its effect on pronunciation.
  • Practice applying the rules while reading the words and verses.

Step 4: Read and recite:

  • Start with short verses and gradually progress to longer ones as you gain confidence.
  • Read slowly and deliberately, focusing on proper pronunciation and tajweed rules.
  • Record yourself reciting and listen back to identify areas for improvement.

Additional tips:

  • Make it fun: Use games, songs, or rhymes to make learning engaging, especially for children.
  • Be patient and consistent: Learning Quran takes time and dedication. Practice regularly, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day.
  • Seek help: Don’t hesitate to ask a teacher or experienced reciter for guidance and feedback.
  • Celebrate progress: Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small, to stay motivated and inspired.

How long does it take to learn Noorani Qaida?

The time it takes to learn Noorani Qaida depends on various factors, including:

Your prior knowledge:

  • No prior experience: If you’re starting from scratch, it could take 2-4 months to learn the basics and recite simple verses fluently.
  • Some Arabic familiarity: If you know the alphabet or have some exposure to Arabic sounds, it might take 1-2 months to master Noorani Qaida.

Learning intensity and consistency:

  • Daily practice: Dedicate at least 30 minutes daily, and you could see significant progress within a few weeks.
  • Occasional practice: Learning once or twice a week will extend the timeline, potentially taking several months.

Teacher guidance and feedback:

  • Structured learning with a qualified teacher: Personalized feedback and corrections accelerate learning, potentially leading to Noorani Qaida completion in 1-3 months.
  • Self-guided learning: While possible, it might be slower and more challenging to identify and correct mistakes on your own.

Individual learning style and pace:

  • Some grasp concepts quickly: They might master Noorani Qaida in 1-2 months with consistent practice.
  • Others need more time: Don’t compare yourself to others. Focus on your own progress and celebrate small victories.

Learning goals and desired level of mastery:

  • Basic recitation with Noorani Qaida awareness: This could be achievable in 2-3 months with focused practice.
  • Advanced Noorani Qaida mastery: In-depth understanding and flawless pronunciation might take 4-6 months or longer.

Here’s a rough breakdown:

  • Learning the alphabet and harakat: 2-4 weeks
  • Basic letter combinations and tajweed rules: 2-4 months
  • Advanced tajweed rules and complex verses: 1-3 months (optional)

Remember, these are just estimates. The most important thing is to approach learning with patience, dedication, and a love for the Quran. Enjoy the journey, celebrate your progress, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks. With consistent effort, you’ll gradually master Noorani Qaida and unlock the door to further Quranic study.